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КТП к УМК "Миллениум"


Научно-исследовательская работа учащегося Николаенко А.

Николаенко Александр Сергеевич,

Зеленцова Людмила Валериановна

Муниципальное Общеобразовательное Учреждение

 Средняя Общеобразовательная Школа № 2

                                                                                               Г. Кропоткин Кавказский район

                                           Краснодарский край

                                                                                                      учащийся 10-го класса

                                                                      Учитель английского языка


Nowadays, more and more people have computers and access to Internet resources. Especially the Internet is passionate about teenagers. Therefore, we must use computers enthusiasm of the younger generation and to benefit from it to learn English and other languages.

The Internet creates the conditions for obtaining all necessary for students and teachers  information held anywhere in the world: cross-cultural material, news from the lives of young people, articles from newspapers and magazines, the necessary literature and so on. The World Wide Web you can find many resources to help you learn English. In the Internet you can find almost anything you want: dictionaries, rules of reading, grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, and so on. But the network can not only find the rules and learn them, but to check your knowledge. There are many sites online to learn English. You can also find and download a variety of programs simulators.

In total, there are many ways to learn English through the Internet. Students may participate in testing in quizzes, contests and competitions held over the Internet to correspond with peers from other countries, participate in chat rooms, video conferencing and so on. They can obtain information on the issue, on which work is currently in the project. This may be the joint work of Russian schoolchildren and their foreign counterparts in one or more countries.

As an information system, the Internet offers its users a variety of information, and resources. Basic set of services may include:

- E-mail;

- Newsgroups;

- Video conferencing;

- The ability to publish their own information, create your own homepage and placing it on the Web-server;

- Access to information resources;

- Reference catalogs (Yahoo!, InfoSeek / Ultra Smart, LookSmart, Galaxy);

- Search engines (Alta Vista, HotBob, Open Text, WebCrawler, Excite);

- Talk to the network (Chat).

These resources can be actively used in the classroom.

Mastery of communicative and intercultural competence is impossible without the practice of communication and the use of Internet resources for learning a foreign language in this sense is simply irreplaceable: a virtual Internet environment allows to go beyond the temporal and spatial framework, providing its users the opportunity to authentic communication with real relevance to the interlocutors on both sides of the topic. However, we must not forget that the Internet - only assistive technology training, and to achieve optimum results you must correctly integrate its use in the process of the lesson.

There are also sites for learning reading, listening and speaking.

Study of Listening

Site http://www.bell-labs.com/project/tts/index.html can choose one of seven languages ​​- English, German, French, Italian , Spanish. Then you need to write on the box something in the chosen language. A few seconds later written to be spoken even if somewhat mechanical, but all the same voice. That is, voice can be any phrase from a textbook or any other benefits, and especially suitable on-line manuals, where you can easily copy chunks of text, not bothering to be reprinted. Everything said cannot just listen, but keep on your PC to be able to return to listening to, without going to the Internet.

Learning to read

For teaching reading is convenient to use English-language news sites. This kind of study is well suited for high school, so it includes the volume reading and the art of interpretation, fluent speech.

Media websites in english language:

CNN World News (<http://cnn.com/world>),

ABC News (<http://www.abcnews.go.com/index.html>),

BBC World Service (<http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice>),

The Washington Times (<http://www.washtimes.com/>)

The New York Times (<http://www.nytimes.com/>)


Study of speaking

To do this, there are many ways:

- online communication with the language teacher (by Skype or video conferencing), which can train you for free or for a nominal fee (depending on the language being studied and the qualifications of the teacher).

- View video clips in the target language, followed by review of all grammatical structures, idioms, phrases and complex features of slang. It can be breaking news clips, feature films or their fragments, TV shows devoted to any topic, from Casco car to scientific discoveries.

- Communicating with native speakers or other learners Internet user, allowing practice in the spoken language and to better capture the language by listening.


Modern educational technology such as cooperative learning, project method, the use of new information technologies, the Internet - resources to help implement student-centered approach to training, provide individualized and differentiated learning, taking into account the capacities of children, their level of training, aptitude, etc. Comprehensive basis of mass computerization of education, of course, stems from the fact that the modern computer is an effective means of optimizing the conditions of intellectual work in general, in any form. R. Williams and C. Mackley, in his article "Computers in the Schools " write: "There is one feature of the computer, which is revealed when using it as a device to train others, and as an assistant in the acquisition of knowledge, this is his inanimate. The machine can be" friendly "communicate with the user and in some moments of "support" it, but it will never show signs of irritability, and will not give to feel that she was bored. In this sense, the use of computers is perhaps the most useful for the individualization of certain aspects of teaching. " The main purpose of learning a foreign language in high school - the formation of communicative competence, all other goals (educational, developing) are realized in the implementation of this primary objective. Communicative approach involves teaching communication and the formation of the ability to cross-cultural interaction, which is the basis for the functioning of the Internet. Beyond communicating online does not make sense - is an international multi-ethnic, cross-cultural society whose livelihoods based on the electronic communication of millions of people around the world, speaking at the same time - the most gigantic in size and number of participants conversation ever took place. Including in it, we create a model of real communication. Communicating in real language environment provided by the Internet, students find themselves in these situations. Involved in a wide range of meaningful, realistic, interesting and achievable objectives, the students learn spontaneously and adequately respond to them, which stimulates the creation of original expression, and not a manipulation of linguistic expressions.


1.     Williams, R., Mackley K. "Computers in school”.

2.     Goncharov, Pankov, "Internet questions and answers”.

3.     Dmitrieva, E.I. "The main methodological problem of distance learning foreign languages ​​through computer telecommunications network the Internet”.

4.     Kushnirenko A.G., Leonov A.G., Kuzmenko M.A. "What is the Internet? Information and communication technologies in education”.

5.     Sheylz, Joe. "Communication skills in teaching Modern Languages​”.

6.     http://www.bell-labs.com/project/tts/index.html  

Категория: НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ | Добавил: lucyzelentsova (14.03.2014)
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